About Me

We,have been working hard to provide the best product and client-customer relationship.

Personal photo

We're in business because we're friends? Or are we friends because we're in business together? No, that's not a question! Trust is what makes our relationship work!

Co-founder&Business Director

Gary Leung

Hi, I’m Gary, and as head of WITAPROFILE, I’m proud of our company’s ability to provide solutions to your engineering challenges, no matter how simple or complex.
Since WITAPROFILE was founded, we’ve been trying to optimize our products and services to make it easier for our customers to do their jobs. These efforts are part of our unwavering commitment to making our products more efficient in the design, specification, and installation of practical applications.
Our industry is constantly changing, and technology and products are constantly evolving. In WITAPROFILE, we have accepted this fact and turned it into our challenge. We remain relentlessly committed to raising the bar on quality manufacturing excellence and strive to be a great company that does things the right way.
Our unwavering adherence to our philosophy of shaping products and services that are unique to us, united employee relations coupled with a collaborative approach with our business partners, sets WITAPROFILE apart in the marketplace.
As a decision maker for WITAPROFILE, I promise to faithfully support our core values.

# 2009 - 2015

Rongcheng Steel Trading Company (Sales & Assistant Manager)

# 2015 - 2022

Wintop Construction Materials(Purchasing Manager) & Witaprofile Materials (Co-founder&Business Director)


  • Trust – Our pursuit is reflected in the efforts we commit to. We trust our customers, employees, and suppliers as much as they want results.
  • Communication – We expect everyone to be a problem solver and an opportunity creator. That’s why we encourage diverse perspectives, promote positive two-way communication, and create and sustain the values embodied in our work.
  • Unity – The unity of our team and the positive energy of our work make WITAPROFILE a dynamic company. We support each other and listen to each other. We make every effort to ensure that our work and life are fulfilling and enjoyable.
  • Balance – People work to live, not live to work; the most important aspects of our lives occur outside of work. The balance of work, family, and life is essential to the lasting operation of our company.


     Keeping these visions in the forefront will ensure that WITAPROFILE is in a position for continued growth and success.

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